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The tooth (with root) has been completely released from its bone socket.


  • Complete releasing of the tooth from its alveole


  • Rx of empty alveole because of possible foreign bodies that could stand in the way of a replantation


  • "Lay" avulsed tooth in tooth-rescue box for 30 minutes
  • Antiresorptive regenerative therapy (ART)
  • Replantation
  • Splinting for 1-2 weeks
  • In the case of teeth with fully-grown roots, trepanation on the day of the accident (after splinting) with Ledermix insert for 1-2 weeks, then calcium hydroxide insert for 1-2 weeks
  • In the case of very wide-open apex with chance of revascularisation, no primary root canal treatment (note: very frequent radiological checks for early recognition of infection-related resorptions absolutely necessary, then root canal treatment


  • Decisively dependent on the extraoral position