Logo Erhalte Deinen Zahn


SaveYourTooth is an online information campaign of the German Society for Endodontology and Dental Traumatology e.V. (DGET)

represented by the board

Präsident: Prof. Dr. Edgar Schäfer
Präsident: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Paris
Vizepräsident: Dr. Holger Rapsch, M.Sc.
Generalsekretär: Prof. Dr. Gabriel Krastl
Schatzmeister: Dr. Ralf Schlichting

Dr. Bernard Bengs
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bürklein
Dr. Eva Dommisch
Dr. Bijan Vahedi, M.Sc.
Prof. Dr. Matthias Widbiller

Headquarters of the association

German Society for Endodontology and Dental Traumatology e.V. (DGET)
Sohnstr. 65
40237 Düsseldorf

registered at Düsseldorf District Court, Register of Associations No. 12170


German Society for Endodontology and Dental Traumatology e.V. (DGET)
Sohnstr. 65
40237 Düsseldorf

Tel.: 0211 417 46 46 0
Fax: 0211 417 46 46 9

Responsible person in accordance with § 55 Para. 2 of the Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV)

Dr. Bijan Vahedi

Internet presence

Daus Interfaces
Creativhaus Düsseldorf
Comeniusstraße 1
40545 Düsseldorf

Tel.: 0211 - 506 75 37
Fax: 0211 - 556 07 90

Technical realisation

BIT IT Service GmbH
Breslauer Straße 55
56566 Neuwied

Tel.: 02631 - 95 259-0
Fax: 02631 - 95 259-20


All rights to the contents of wwww.ErhalteDeinenZahn.de are held by the German Society for Endodontology and Dental Traumatology e.V., except where something different is stated. Any utilisation of copyright protected content that goes beyond the legally permitted cases (e.g. the right to quotation or reproductions for private use), especially by reproduction and dissemination even in electronic form, requires the prior written agreement of the right holders. For this, please contact the secretarial office of www.dget.de.